OSUIT Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan is an internal working document of OSU Institute of Technology. It has been designed to incorporate those goals, initiatives, & strategies that will most effectively assist the university in fulfilling its mission.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan is intended to be a roadmap for achieving the institutional mission statement over
the next five years.
The Strategic Plan is integrated into the institutional decision-making process. Administrative
responsibility has been assigned to each area of the Plan to assure accountability
for reporting and implementation. The budgeting process of the institution will be
influenced by the priorities of the Strategic Plan.
The Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis and adjustments to the Plan made as needed
to reflect changing priorities based upon environmental scanning and institutional
Goal A - Enhance Institutional Image
OSUIT is committed to maintaining its reputation as the lead institution of higher education in Oklahoma and the region providing comprehensive, high-quality, advancing technology programs and services.
Goal B - Enrich Services for Students
OSUIT is committed to providing services to prepare and sustain a diverse student body.
Goal C – Expand High-Quality Education
OSUIT is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality, advancing technology programs.
Goal D – Integrate Innovative Technologies
OSUIT is committed to advancing technology in the delivery of programs and services to prepare and sustain our students as competitive members of a world-class workforce and contributing members of society.
Goal E – Advance Institutional Resources
OSUIT is committed to advancing our mission to serve as the lead institution of higher education in Oklahoma and the region through efficient operations and in support of all employees.