Keeping OSUIT Safe
Stay in the know
Police Department
Parking on Campus
Campus Safety Resources
- Emergencies on Campus: 911
- Non-Emergency Line/Campus Police: 918-293-5000
- Campus Operator: Dial "0" from a campus phone or 918-293-4678
- Residential Life: 918-293-4928
- Counseling Services: 918-293-4988
- University Health Services: 918-293-5292
- Okmulgee Memorial Hospital: 918-756-4233
- Poison Control: 800-222-1222
- Emergency Management: 918-293-4944
For immediate assistance, call our 24/7 Campus Safety line at 918-293-5000.
Mailing Address:
OSU Institute of Technology
Police Department
1801 E. 4th Street
Okmulgee, OK 74447
Matt Wooliver
Director of Public Safety / Chief of Police
Phone: 918-293-4888
Annual Security Report
The information and statistics contained in this publication are being presented in compliance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
The OSUIT police department publishes this information to inform members of the campus community and other interested parties of incidents of crime and to educate them in effective crime prevention and safety measures so that community members can make informed decisions relative to their safety. The crime statistics reflect incidents that occurred on the OSUIT campus or on public property adjacent to the campus.
OSUIT provides residential dormitories and facilities for on campus student housing. The OSUIT campus police dept. has primary responsibility for categorizing, disseminating, and publishing crime statistics collected on campus and includes statistics obtained from various local law enforcement entities including Okmulgee police department as well as the Okmulgee County Sheriff’s office.
View 2024 Annual Security Report
This document is published by October 1st each year as required by Federal Law.